Get peace of mind and protection for the people who matter the most with life insurance. Life insurance can help your loved ones pay for funeral expenses, cover bills, ongoing living expenses, pay off debts, finance future needs, and protect retirement plans.
Permanent coverage that remains the same to age 100
Perfect for high-demand years
Permanent coverage that remains the same to age 100
Death Benefit
Payable if you pass away within the term
Stays the same as long as you make payments
Plan Options
10-, 15-, 20-, or 30-year option
Paid-Up at Age 79 or Paid-Up at Age 100
Premium Payments
Stay the same during the selected term
Remain the same and end at paid-up age
Cash Value
Not a feature of term life
Values are set when you purchase the policy
How Much Life Insurance Do I Need?
Everyone's situation is different and their life insurance needs reflect their needs. It essentially comes down to how much money your loved ones would need to remain on firm financial ground if your earnings were no longer in the picture.
Before you get started, here are some things to consider:
Who do I want to protect? Most answers include a spouse or partner and children, but your list may also include siblings, aging parents, and more.
How long would they need financial support? Consider the ages of everyone who depends on your income.
Is anyone disabled or have other special needs? It's important to remember that some people may need lifelong support.
How much debt do I have? You'll want more coverage if you have a mortgage, auto payments, credit card debt, and other outstanding loans.
How much savings do I have? Factor in all of your savings and investments and how liquid the are - some investments like real estate cannot instantaneously be converted into needed cash.
Will my spouse or partner need help with funding his or her retirement? If so, more coverage is needed that if he or she is fully funding their own retirement.